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[KVS] Kendriya Vidyalaya Guwahati Admission 2025-26 | kvsonlineadmission.kvs.gov.in | kvsangathan.nic.in

Kendriya Vidyalaya Guwahati Admission 2025-26 Registration Start and Last Date, Lottery Result, Merit Selection List

Kendriya Vidyalaya Guwahati Admission 2025-26 School List PDF: The comprehensive list of Kendriya Vidyalayas in the Guwahati region, including Balvatika classes, is now available. The online admission process has commenced via the online admission portal (balvatika.kvs.gov.in).

KVS Admission 2025-26 in Guwahati Region School Overview

HeadingSchool Admission
OrganizationKendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
SyllabusCentral Board of Secondary Education
AdmissionBalvatika and Class-1
Academic Year2025-26
Application ModeOnline Registration
Total KV Schools42
Total KV Teachers2157
Total KV Students42290
Balvatika 3 KV Schools20
Balvatika 1, 2, 3 KV Schools01
KV RO Guwahatiroguwahati.kvs.gov.in
Official Websitekvsangathan.nic.in
HomepageClick Here

KVS Guwahati Online Admission Application Form 2025-26 Important Dates

Event DescriptionDate
KVS Admission 2025-26 Online Registration Start Date11.03.2025
KVS Admission 2025-26 Online Registration Last Date31.03.2025
KVS Admission 2025-26 Lottery Draw Date15.04.2025
KVS Admission 2025-26 1st Selection List Date15.04.2025
KVS Admission 2025-26 2nd Selection List Date26.04.2025
KVS Admission 2025-26 3rd Waiting List Date03.05.2025

List of KV Schools in Guwahati Region 2025

Check all Guwahati Region Kendriya Vidyalaya school website address here

School NameLinks
KV 210 Cobra CRPF210cobracrpf.kvs.ac.in
KV Barpetabarpeta.kvs.ac.in
KV (CCI) Bokajanccibokajan.kvs.ac.in
KV (AFS) DigaruAFSdigaru.kvs.ac.in
KV Diphudiphu.kvs.ac.in
KV (ARC) Doom Doomadoomdoomaarc.kvs.ac.in
KV Gerukamukh He Projectgerukamukh.kvs.ac.in
KV Goalparagoalpara.kvs.ac.in
KV Golaghatgolaghat.kvs.ac.in
KV (CRPF) Amerigogamerigogcrpf.kvs.ac.in
KV Borjharborjhar.kvs.ac.in
KV IIT Guwahatiiitguwahati.kvs.ac.in
KV IOC Guwahatiiocguwahati.kvs.ac.in
KV Khanaparakhanapara.kvs.ac.in
KV Maligaonmaligaon.kvs.ac.in
KV Naranginarangi.kvs.ac.in
KV (SSB) Haflonghaflongssb.kvs.ac.in
KV (HPC) Jagiroadjagiroadhpcl.kvs.ac.in
KV (AFS) No.1 Jorhatno1AFSjorhat.kvs.ac.in
KV ONGC No.2 Jorhatno2jorhatongc.kvs.ac.in
KV No. III Jorhatno3jorhat.kvs.ac.in
KV khat (CRPF) Khatikhatkhaticrpf.kvs.ac.in
KV Kokrajharkokrajhar.kvs.ac.in
KV Lakhimpurlakhimpur.kvs.ac.in
KV Lokralokra.kvs.ac.in
KV Lumdinglumding.kvs.ac.in
KV Mangaldoimangaldoi.kvs.ac.in
KV Misa Cantt. Nowgaonmisacantt.kvs.ac.in
KV Missamarimissamari.kvs.ac.in
KV Nagaonnagaon.kvs.ac.in
KV BVFCL Namrupnamrupbvfcl.kvs.ac.in
KV New Bongaigaonnewbongaigaon.kvs.ac.in
KV (BSF) PanbariBSFpanbari.kvs.ac.in
KV Rangiya N.F. Railwayrangiya.kvs.ac.in
KV No.1 Sibsagarno1sibsagar.kvs.ac.in
KV No.2 Sibsagarno2sibsagar.kvs.ac.in
KV Tamulpurtamulpur.kvs.ac.in
KV No.1 Tezpurno1tezpur.kvs.ac.in
KV AFS No II Tezpurno2AFStezpur.kvs.ac.in
KV Tezpur Universityno4tezpur.kvs.ac.in
KV Udalguriudalguri.kvs.ac.in
KV Rangapara NF Railwayrangapara.kvs.ac.in

How to Secure Admission to KV Schools in Guwahati?

If you do not fall under any eligible priority category within KVS, you may still apply for your child’s admission to Balvatika or Class 1 at any KV school in Guwahati under the RTE quota. The RTE priority is designated for the general public residing in proximity to the school.

It is advisable to visit your nearest KV school and inquire with the officials regarding admissions for Class 1, Balvatika-3, or other available classes. Additionally, gather information about the number of sections available for new admissions.

Subsequently, you will need to await the official notification from KVS. Once the admission notice is released, the registration process will commence and remain open for 20 days. Ensure to register your child’s name for up to three KV schools in your vicinity.

Admission for Class 2 and Higher in Guwahati KV Schools

Following the official announcement from KVS, the admission process for Class 2 and above will commence in accordance with the established schedule. The minimum age requirement for Class 2 is set at 7 years. Applications will only be issued for candidates if there are vacancies in Class 2 and higher. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the available seats, a lottery system will be implemented to determine the selected candidates. For inquiries regarding the availability of vacancies in Class 2 and above, please reach out to your nearest KV school. With a bit of luck, you may secure a seat in KVS with relative ease!